Facilities Security

General Campus Facilities

Campus Safety patrols the Cheyenne campus facilities 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Access to facilities is limited to days when classes are in session or during scheduled events or other approved activities.
Normally, campus facilities will be unlocked at 6 a.m., or at least 30 minutes prior to the start of a special function, and will be locked by the campus custodians and checked by safety officers at 10 p.m. or the time specified. Safety officers on duty patrolling the buildings will inspect all facilities.
The inspections include doors (locks operating properly/closing/opening), windows, lighting (interior/exterior), excessive vegetation growth (trees/bushes) near buildings. Any issues will be documented on the safety log maintained by the officer and given to the physical plant the next working day unless it results in a severe security and safety issue. In that case, the on-call maintenance person is notified.

Residence Halls

Campus Safety officers monitor residence hall facilities and their adjacent parking lots. During their shift, officers are required to check the exterior doors to the residence halls at least four times and check the RA Station and Common Area at least twice.
Only when two officers are on duty can they go through the living area of the halls between midnight and 8 a.m.

Off-campus Facilities

Criminal activity at any off-campus function is dealt with by the local law enforcement agency, which initiates and handles the report. The agency will then notify Campus Safety, which will assist as requested.